jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

LOCURA (Speed Dealer Moms)

En la industria musical todo es factible y posible. Y las grandes discográficas, con el objetivo de reclutar a nuevo público son capaces de todo. Se empeñan en buscar colaboraciones entre artistas conocidos de diferentes ámbitos u estilos, y buscan combinaciones imposibles entre artistas para conseguir ampliar su público, llegando a crear verdaderos engendros comerciales, como el mítico dueto virtual entre Rihanna y David Bisbal.
En cambio cada cierto tiempo aparece un proyecto, alejado de Majors y Multis que al verlo, te llevas las manos ala cabeza y dices: Querrrl? Comorrl? A veces se juntan dos genios, a veces dos locos.

Speed Dealer Moms
son ambas cosas, creo, dos genios locos. Porque sumar a Aaron Funk (aka Venetian Snares) con John Frusciante (Red Hot Chilly Peppers) es algo que todavía no puedo imaginarme, no concibo. Y no es que la combinación me resulte poco atractiva sino que me vienen a la cabeza un montón de preguntas como:
Donde se conocieron, internet, festival, avión, comparten médico, novia? Que tipo de música hacen? Como John Frusciante acaba siendo el compi del chalado de Venetian Snares? Se lo propuso John a Venetian o viceversa? Que maquinitas llevan? Tocará John Frsuciante la guitarra durante el directo? Será música de baile, drill 'n bass sobradisímo, música abstracta, improvisaciones? Sacarán disco? Quien está más loco de los dos?

La cuestión es que en su myspace no se puede escuchar nada y solo se lee :
all of our tunes are too long to fit on the side of a record or in a myspace player so you have to imagine what they sound like. that might be better anyways because you could imagine them to sound however you like!

Así que para saber a qué suenan John Frusciante + Venetian Snares deberemos esperar a verlos en directo. En unos días van a tocar en la mejor rave de Uk que se conoce, la mítica Bang Face. A ver si pronto podemos ver videos en youtube de estos dos fenómenos.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

"He was a fan of my music," explains Funk. "He turned up at a couple of my gigs in Europe. We started talking about music and we sort of became really good friends. He's a cool dude. We just share this huge love of making music. We really clicked."

So much so that when the Chili Peppers went on indefinite hiatus last year, Frusciante came to Winnipeg for a couple of weeks in August to hang out -- and naturally, the duo ended up recording together at Funk's home studio. "We just made music the whole time," he says. "We have this really good telepathic chemistry."

When he says "the whole time," he means it. The duo, often joined by fellow Winnipeg electronica artist Chris McDonald of The Alison Project, recorded more than 11 hours of material. "A lot of it is acid-electro-techno kind of stuff," says Funk. "It's pretty strange. It doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard before." Based on what we've heard, it certainly doesn't sound like the Chili Peppers. Frusciante doesn't play guitar on any of the cuts, some of which last up to half an hour and range from soothing chillout music to chilling horrorscapes to chaotic grooves. Funk has since travelled to Los Angeles to continue recording with the 38-year-old guitarist, who has maintained an active and eclectic solo career during his tenure with the Peppers. More sessions are planned -- but at this stage, there are no plans to release any material.

"We're just doing it for fun. I think it's cool if we never release anything. I'm totally happy with that. We're just doing it for us -- not to be a product."

LYRAD dijo...

respuesta a todas mis preguntas!!!

que gran nau, gracies

arquitectura-g dijo...

joder, este video si que es fusión y no nuñito de la calzada :P
